is a project that encompasses a captivating series of animated posters designed in a Futuristic User Interface (FUI) style reminiscent of the immersive interfaces seen in science fiction films. The primary aim is to bridge the gap between our contemporary achievements, often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of today's world, and the allure of a blockbuster summer movie. I firmly believe that through attention-grabbing posters, NASA and other space organizations can rekindle the sense of wonder that once enthralled children during the historic moon landing era.
The poster creation process begins within Adobe Illustrator, where meticulous drawings and precise positioning lay the foundation, all while keeping motion in mind. Subsequently, these artworks are imported into After Effects, where they are brought to life with dynamic animations and an additional layer of captivating effects. Additionally, my workflow now incorporates Blender, a powerful tool that allows for the creation of immersive scenes, enriching the storytelling aspect of each poster with added depth and dimension.