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is a project I started with my brother. At it’s core it is serving as an outlet for our nerd interests. Through it we are creating products like Dungeons and Dragons accessories and original board games.

What is currently in the works under 2 ROCS.

Deep Space, Here We Come

An original co-op board game where you play as the crew of a transport ship that is falling apart. Save your ship and make sure your alien cargo doesn’t escape before you’re hopelessly plunged into space.

Potions & Liquids

A digital Print & Play card set that will help your 5E players keep track of the abilities and usage of the items you are giving them. They contain unique illustrations, stats, and dice requirements. You can purchase the set on DMS Guild.

Spells & Cantrips

A digital Print & Play card set that will help your spell casters quickly see what spells they have available. Each card is uniquely illustrated and available in 2 themes, Lawful and Evil.

Beast Shapes

A digital Print & Play card set that will help with random encounters and provide the stats a druid needs when changing into a creature.


stack of cards with an illustration of a hand casting a spell


2 Rocs roman numeral in circle logo
2 Rocs stainglass lettering logo
2 Rocs stacked logo with potions and decorative elements
green color bar
beige color bar

DnD Spell Cards

card with hand casting a spell
card with skeleton hand appearing
card with hand holding a blob
card with information for Dancing Lights
card with information for Chill Touch
card with information for Acid Splash
card with handing pointing up
card with finger pointing and a wire wrapped around it
card with hand magically appearing
card with information for True Strike
card with information for Message
card with information for Mage Hand
front and back of Animate Dead Card
front and back of Scroll of Feeblemind Card
front and back of Ring of Invisibility Card
front and back of Scroll of Thaumaturgy Card
front and back of Speak With Animals Card
front and back of Hold Person Card

DnD Beast Cards

Card of a bunny with a unicorn horn
Card of a Giant Elk
Card of a bear
Card of a Giant Badger
Card of a Giant Centipede
Card of a Poisonous Snake

DnD Potion Cards

Card for Philter of Love
Card for Acid
Card for Animal Friendship
Card for Potion of Healing
Card for Oil of Sharpness
Card for Potion of Climbing
Card for Potion of Vitality
Card for Potion of Water Breathing

Assorted Graphics

Dwarven hammer in shield
Logo for Deep Space Here We Come
Skull Die that says Roll or Die
A blade coming out of a torch